
Oferty pracy ode mnie z firmy. Firma niemiecka z oddziałem w Polsce (Rumia). Jakby co pytać śmiało (mk_krecik@wp.pl)...

Software Configuration Engineer (MC WDM)

Brief Description:
The position will involve frequent contact with wide range of internal clients- developers, test engineers, tech support etc. Therefore fluent English is a must.

- Provide recommendations and best practices for branch and merge strategies
- Meet with internal clients in an effort to better understand the source control requirements
- Develop CM processes and procedures
- Help to train the user communities as applicable
- Provide administration of the Subversion Configuration Management tool and CollabNet Enterprise Edition environment
- Interface with users to answer questions, fix problems, and provide development support for Subversion and CollabNet Toolsets
- Take an active roll interacting with the Subversion development community to make sure that we provide feedback into the community and potentially contribute back into it
- Develop code which interacts with 3rd party API’s to facilitate customizations of the tool which enhance productivity

- Fluent English
- Experience with repositories, such as CVS, SVN
- Good understanding of software development life cycle
- Strong oral and written communications
- Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty
- Knowledge of CollabNet, HP- Quality Center, Hudson, Cruise Control application would be a great advantage
- Experience in writing scripts with the use of: shell, python, make, ant


Software Developers- Java (NMS SW)

Brief Description:
We are now looking for Software Developers to Network Management System department. If you like working with new technologies, want to develop yourself and like programming in Java come to us!

- Software implementation in accordance with accepted specification
- Developing documentation
- Post – programming tests execution

- Knowledge Java programming language
- XML technologies
- English- at least communicative
- Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty
- Knowledge of telecommunication networks would be an advantage
- Self- reliance and strong communications would be an advantage


Systems Integration Tests Engineers (NMS)

Brief Description:
We are now looking for Systems Integration Tests Engineers. All positions are located in Tricity. If you like working with new technologies and combining it with software/ system testing you should definitely apply!

- Performing functional tests and tests scenarios
- Developing post-tests documentation
- Developing/ creating tests scenarios and executing them

- At least basic knowledge of data bases
- Familiarity with techniques of tests execution/ performance
- English- at least communicative
- Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty


Systems Verification Tests Engineers (SVT WDM)

Brief Description:
We are now looking for Systems Verification Tests Engineers. All positions are located in Tricity. If you like working with new technologies and combining it with hardware/ system testing you should definitely apply!

- Verification whether our equipment work in accordance with ITU-T and RFC recommendations
- Developing/ creating tests scenarios and executing them
- Developing post-tests documentation
- Functional tests execution

- Knowledge of network protocols- at least theoretical
- Knowledge of optical networks- at least theoretical
- Knowledge of how to conduct the measurement in telecommunication networks
- English- at least communicative
- Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty


Systems Verification Tests Engineers (SVT NMS)

Brief Description:
We are now looking for Systems Verification Tests Engineers. All positions are located in Tricity. If you like working with new technologies and combining it with hardware/ system testing you should definitely apply!

- Performing functional tests and tests scenarios
- Developing post-tests documentation
- Functional tests execution

- Knowledge of network protocols- at least theoretical
- At least basic knowledge of data bases
- Familiarity with techniques of tests execution/ performance
- English- at least communicative
- Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty

Rekrutacje są prowadzone co jakiś czas - oferty powinny być aktualne jeszcze przez miesiąc lub dwa... Nie mniej jednak obecnie kończy się rekrutacja na programistów C++ (patrz: załącznik poprzedniej wiadomości) - termin do 15 września.

Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty
Ktoś na tym forum ma albo będzie miał w ciągu tych 2 miesięcy? ;P

Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications, Electronics or Informatics, or similar faculty
Ktoś na tym forum ma albo będzie miał w ciągu tych 2 miesięcy? ;P
Hehe przypomniało mi się, jak znajoma z AWF-u opowiadała, jak to na studiach mieli spotkanie z Korzeniowskim (chyba) i zapraszał ich do pracy na jakichś obozach szkoleniowych. Jak zaczął mówić o wymaganiach - m.in. 5-letni staż - to na sali prawie wybuchł śmiech ;)

Ktoś na tym forum ma albo będzie miał w ciągu tych 2 miesięcy? ;P
Ah tak sobie napisali, zeby ladniej wygladalo i mieli na czym obcinac pensje, a Ty juz nas skreslasz ;P
Zastanawia mnie co innego. Czy oni nie szukaja na pelen etat?

A tak w ogole to mile zaskoczenie, ze takie fajne posadki w mojej Rumuni mozna zalapac ;)
tu autor wątku:)

sam jeszcze nie skończyłem studiów, a tam pracuję.
na pół etatu.
odnowię topic, bo rozpoczęła się nowa rekrutacja i prosili, żebym dał znać na roku.
poszukują studentów PG, programistów C++.

oczywiście jest możliwość kontynuowania pracy po studiach.

jeśli jest ktoś zainteresowany lub macie pytania to dajcie znać na PW to z chęcią pomogę się zahaczyć.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • fisis2.htw.pl













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