
Mam problem z programami, które działają w sieci Gnutella, np: BearShare, Shareaza.
Łączą się one z siecią Gnutella, ale od pewnego czasu ani jeden ani drugi program nie może się połączyć z internetem( z siecią Gnutella) w obydwu przypadkach wyskakuje błąd połączenia z siecią.

Proszę o pomoc.

Tak na marginesie, korzystając z okazji, zapytam: też macie problemy z siecią gadu-gadu, czy to tylko ja, jako, że jestem szczęśliwym użytkownikiem firmy Marsoft?
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błąd połączenia z siecią.

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I've recently discovered that the a virus (Infopass.Gamestealer to be specific) has somehow made its way onto my flash drive. It is most likely from a computer I share with the other four hundred or so at my school, but I'm unsure how to remove the virus as Norton (Yes, I realize that it's terrible in terms of virus detection, but it's all I have.) isn't detecting it when I scan the drive. As a result of this virus being on my frequently used flash drive, I've managed to let it drop some malware (Hacktool.Rootkit) onto my personal computer. Norton only ever detects this one when I turn my PC on and never catches it during any of my scans of the computer. Are their any suggestions as to how I can deal with each of them individually, or even both at once? Thank you all for your help! unlock iphone 3g
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I have a Toshiba laptop and its' battery used to last up to two hours when it wasn't plugged in. Now, it lasts about ten minutes and I have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it. I've done lots of virus scans and there isn't a bug that is causing it. Please help! forex robot
My computor says it has a virus, and it wants me to download their anti virus software ( which I know is just spyware and is a scam) so I always press cancel. Now my computor freezes about 30 seconds after I log on and it will not let me acess the Internet. How can I get it to stop freezing so I can download the anti malware software?? Or how can I just get rid of it all together. forex robot
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      Problem z siecią Gnutella
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